san francisco
Just a little bit about me
Originally with a background in music as Publicity Director and radio DJ, where I honed my chops designing event flyers, posters, and announcements, I moved to San Francisco to work in the realm of publishing and design for a fashion & lifestyle publication where I was initially Promotions Director, assigning photographers and writers to cover events. I then worked with three renowned art directors in the design realm turning my focus on design. I eventually left there to expand my horizons and interest in design and its applications, which originally led me to be an early Art Director for the Bebe chain of fashion boutiques. Subsequently, I opened my own design firm, where I serviced such accounts as fashion boutiques, hair salons, and modeling agencies. Along the way, I’ve had a stint at the California Academy of Sciences in the design department, briefly running the department, and as the Senior Designer and an Art Director for McCann-Erickson Advertising in San Francisco, working on world-class brands.
Over the course of my career, I’ve offered Design, Art Direction, and Production services to a myriad of corporate and nonprofit entities through my firm, including assisting such renowned firms as J. Walter Thompson with Marketing Communications, Primo Angeli with Packaging and Corporate Identity, and the Ocean Conservation organization Monterey Bay Aquarium, assisting with print and online Marketing Design and Production Services.
To me, design is neither arbitrarily good nor bad. Rather, I see it as “effective” or “ineffective” and I’m energized by working in that rational framework. That being said, I think having a strong aesthetic is just as important to a brand as a great customer experience, products, and people. In that context, I'm able to flush out a client’s needs and objectives within the framework of their brand and budget to deliver effective and targeted assets.
I believe that honesty, simplicity, good dialogue with clients, and above all, hard work, are the key to creating strong, lasting, and remarkable designs.
I am a digital designer by trade but my passion for design keeps my eyes open to all things.
As any designer should be, I’m opinionated, observant, authentic, and somewhat obsessive.
Besides being passionate about design, I love music and photography and of course, making clients happy.
You can view my personal photography site at brentajonesdesignimages.com and my commercial interiors site at brentajonesimages.com.